From the recording Apocalypse Somniun

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In Nomine Patris

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All lyrics & Instrument, Symphonic arrangements and mix symphonic by

Luzbel voice: Velfragor
Lilith Voice: Alejandro Flores
God Voice: Gio Diaz

Guitar solos: Martin Xipe-Totec
Mix and Mastering: Salvador Holbox

Recording at: Volker Studios /France


In nominee Patris

Sic ego paradisum perdidit
Servus heri et hodie rex
Lilith et regnabit in latus meum:
Et ira Dei invida
Deus meus miserabilis
Et contentiones sint
In aeternus… amen

Disgrace, dishonor!!
shame on you,
I curse his love
banished from paradise
The doors will close like my fist
with tears of hatred;
my pride hurt

She dares to challenge me
challenge you? you do not deserve it
she cast a spell on you
she has made me fall in love
she evil seed
mother of gods
you, only his slave

reigning in his heart
and you? just a bad omen
Your pride blinds you
Your mind builds insane realities
I only laugh at your impotence
columns of your ego scattered in the wind
with broken dreams and me?
with black wings

Rex abyssi,
custos tyrannus
temporis et sapientia

We have left the tyrant
we have won a kingdom;
flames fire and unbridled lust;
angels come!!!
sweet singing and sensual dance
that I leave at your feet my lover

Rebel Angels come with me
Is time to change the rules
caeleste bellum
desperatis caritate
ruinas ex inferno,
deus ad insaniam convertunt

Michael chase them !!
without truce or quarter
have defied my majesty
for that they must pay

Your irony is childish
your rigid ways and without freedom
condemning Adam to oysterism
zombie folded to your being
ready to hear my whisper

I have left paradise
I have conquered hell
I am king, among these flames

Lilith you will not be remembered
Eva will be your nemesis

pathetic attempt to forget me,
born from a rib?
breath without magic;
woman without will
ready to be instructed by me

Lilith and Luzbel
All creation will be conquered
snake whisper with eternal flames
an apple will be what seals your Doom
Oh children of Eve
their God has failed them

luctus et audistis
Per omnia sæcula sæculorum: Amen